It is the week back from Spring Break and boy it sure is going slow. This week in Biology we had to separate each base from DNA into a series of threes. This was so we could see the proteins. This was kind of hard to do hahah. We made a lot of mistakes!
The point of this was to see how Abby, Bob, and Carol are alike to Norm. (the normal DNA)
Here is the graph we put together yesterday:
-Abby had almost the same DNA as Norm. There was only one base difference which made a 97% similarity to Norm. Norm had the protein GAG and Abby had GTG. This is know as point mutation. The protein changed from Glu to Val. This makes the molecules hydrophobic.
-Bob also had only one difference from Norm and a 97% similarity. Norm had the protein AAG and Bob had TAG. The protein changed from Lys to the signal that the proteins stops. This makes the protein become to short otherwise known as truncation mutation. This can cause problems in the future.
-Carol has the most difference from Norm. There were 19 differences between the bases which made a 59% similarity to Norm. There isn't really that much difference between their bases. Carol missed a base which set her off from Norm. This is called frameshift mutation. This can cause problems in Carol's future.
This was really interesting. It is amazing how simple DNA and diseases really are. I thought a lot more things had to go wrong for people to get a disease. This was a fun activity.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
So yes I finally did it. My Eugenics blog! Here it is, I worked really hard on it so I hope you enjoy!
So I had a hard time understanding what exactly eugenics was from the site Mr. Ludwig gave us. So I did what any person would do....I googled it! My definition came from
What is Eugenics?
Eugenics is the study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding. Eugenics was used to try and get rid of people that harmed society such as mentally ill, poor, and different races. This was a social movement that involved practices that violated rights to life, privacy, and freedom.
What Were The Social Origins of Eugenics?
- Eugenics started right after the Civil War. With how fast the industry in America was growing people started moving from farms into the city faster then good housing was being built. There were also many immigrants coming from Europe into the United States.
-There was a declining birthrate among the wealthy while the working class was organizing against them. While the wealthy were worried about losing the struggle for existence the working class was reproducing faster then them.
- Many business's were becoming bankrupt. There were a series of depressions that started in 1873 and occurred every decade until the early twentieth century.
-The government started to become involved in social and economic issues. This was called Progressivism. Progressive reformers believed that science could cure everything and make everything okay again. This is what started Eugenics.
-Genetics seemed to explain human problems such as pauperism, alcoholism, prostitution etc.
-Eugenics made people believe that the government wasted to much money to support the disabled. Eugenics said that if you sterilized one disabled adult to keep others from being created it would save future generations a lot of money.
-Eugenicists believed the immigrants coming from Europe, which included Italians and Jews, were troublemakers. They supposedly had data that said the problem was in their genes. Their solution to the problem was " Selective Immigration Restriction."
Scientific Origins of Eugenics:
Francis Galton composed the word "eugenics" in 1883. His version of the word eugenics was called Positive Eugenics. Positive eugenics was said that only the ablest and healthiest people should have children to improve humanity. There is also a Negative Eugenics. This was not letting certain people reproduce. Negative eugenics was favored in the United States, Germany, and Scandinavia.
There was a concern that environmental influences might damage heredity. This would lead to ill health, insanity, early death, and defective offspring. This was made into a degeneracy theory in the early 1700's. This theory was the pre dominant way of thinking until the late 19th Century.
Masturbation was one of the first presented biological theory's as a cause of degeneracy. This led Harry Clay Sharp, a prison physician, to "sterilize" by performing vasectomies on prisoners in 1899. This led to the first eugenic sterilization law in 1907 that mandated compulsory sterilization of degenerates. Scientists believed that "degenerate" was caused not only by masturbation but poisoning and bad environments as well. They also believed that a good environment could cure a degenerate within three generations.
Eugenicists started saying that degenerates should be prevented from breeding. They thought that degenerates should be put in custody in asylums or through sterilization. There were many doctors that felt sterilization was a more humane way of dealing with people that couldn't help themselves. Performing vasectomies and tubal ligation happened a lot. Sterilization let the "infected" participate in society instead of being put in custody at the public's expense. This was not viewed as a punishment because doctors believed that the reason these people were "unfit" was because of an irreversibly degenerate germ plasm.
What research methods were used to study eugenics and what were there flaws?
One way to research eugenics was called a pedigree. Scientists would use pedigrees to trace the inheritance of a trait through a family. Tracing traits was not always easy. There were certain mental and behavior traits that were not easy to find in a person. Another problem was trying to find out if a person had a complex trait such as intelligence.
There were many organizations in the United States that encouraged eugenics research. One major one was the Eugenics Record Office (ERO). A lot of eugenical information was given voluntarily to the ERO on questionnaires filled out by families. Eugenicists would also get data from insane asylums, prisons, orphanages, and homes from the blind to help with their research. The information that the ERO would help gather helped Eugenicists to develop pedigrees. Back then they didn't have DNA to help follow trait inheritance through families. This made their pedigrees inaccurate sometimes.
There were many flaws in the research of eugenics that included:
-Reification: This is when complex traits are treated as if they are a single entity
-Poor survey and statistical methods: Eugenics researchers could not interview family members going back further then two or three generations to see who had the inherited trait. Hospitals did not keep very good medical records so some pedigrees were completed on second- hand reporting or sometimes hearsay.
-False Quantification: This is the assumption that if you can produce a numerical value then it must be valid. One example is on an intelligence test.
-Social and Environmental Influences: Eugenicists would not take all influences into consideration when tracing traits.
How did eugenics research impact American society?
Eugenics caused marriage laws, sterilization laws, and immigration restriction in America.
There were laws that forbid people to marry of different races in America from the Colonial Period to the mid 20th century. In the early 20th century, the eugenics movement supplied arguments to support these marriage laws. One argument was known as miscegenation. Miscegenation said that there were biological dangers if races were mixed.
Legally-mandated sterilization was the most radical policy supported by the eugenics movement. The Model Law, published in 1914, proposed authorization to sterilize the "socially inadequate." The people included in this were the feebleminded, insane, blind, deaf, criminalistic, and many others. When the Model Law was published twelve states had enacted sterilization laws. By 1924 around 3,000 people had been involuntarily sterilized in America. (FACT: 2,500 of these people were in California.) Eventually more then 60,000 people were involuntarily sterilized in America.
There were many immigration laws in America. These laws were set up to restrict who could come into the country. Eugenicists started to provide biological arguments to support immigration restriction. They said that these "inferior stock" would have a major impact on society.
So you are probably wondering where I learned everything I know about Eugenics. Well I went to the Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement. If you're looking for more information on eugenics click on this link:
Well I am finally done. This blog has taken me a long time to finish but here it is! I am so glad to be done. Other then learning about Eugenics I figured out some things I could do to help me figure out things I don't understand when I first read it. Well the first thing you can do is try re reading it out loud to your self a couple times. Usually the words become less jumbled. And if that doesn't help you can always look at other students blogs. This really helped me! (Thank you Leigh and Audi!) Well I am glad this blog is over. Now hopefully you won't see another blog until after Spring Break!
-To check out Audi's blog go to!
-To check out Leigh's blog go to
So I had a hard time understanding what exactly eugenics was from the site Mr. Ludwig gave us. So I did what any person would do....I googled it! My definition came from
What is Eugenics?
Eugenics is the study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding. Eugenics was used to try and get rid of people that harmed society such as mentally ill, poor, and different races. This was a social movement that involved practices that violated rights to life, privacy, and freedom.
What Were The Social Origins of Eugenics?
- Eugenics started right after the Civil War. With how fast the industry in America was growing people started moving from farms into the city faster then good housing was being built. There were also many immigrants coming from Europe into the United States.
-There was a declining birthrate among the wealthy while the working class was organizing against them. While the wealthy were worried about losing the struggle for existence the working class was reproducing faster then them.
- Many business's were becoming bankrupt. There were a series of depressions that started in 1873 and occurred every decade until the early twentieth century.
-The government started to become involved in social and economic issues. This was called Progressivism. Progressive reformers believed that science could cure everything and make everything okay again. This is what started Eugenics.
-Genetics seemed to explain human problems such as pauperism, alcoholism, prostitution etc.
-Eugenics made people believe that the government wasted to much money to support the disabled. Eugenics said that if you sterilized one disabled adult to keep others from being created it would save future generations a lot of money.
-Eugenicists believed the immigrants coming from Europe, which included Italians and Jews, were troublemakers. They supposedly had data that said the problem was in their genes. Their solution to the problem was " Selective Immigration Restriction."
Scientific Origins of Eugenics:
Francis Galton composed the word "eugenics" in 1883. His version of the word eugenics was called Positive Eugenics. Positive eugenics was said that only the ablest and healthiest people should have children to improve humanity. There is also a Negative Eugenics. This was not letting certain people reproduce. Negative eugenics was favored in the United States, Germany, and Scandinavia.
There was a concern that environmental influences might damage heredity. This would lead to ill health, insanity, early death, and defective offspring. This was made into a degeneracy theory in the early 1700's. This theory was the pre dominant way of thinking until the late 19th Century.
Masturbation was one of the first presented biological theory's as a cause of degeneracy. This led Harry Clay Sharp, a prison physician, to "sterilize" by performing vasectomies on prisoners in 1899. This led to the first eugenic sterilization law in 1907 that mandated compulsory sterilization of degenerates. Scientists believed that "degenerate" was caused not only by masturbation but poisoning and bad environments as well. They also believed that a good environment could cure a degenerate within three generations.
Eugenicists started saying that degenerates should be prevented from breeding. They thought that degenerates should be put in custody in asylums or through sterilization. There were many doctors that felt sterilization was a more humane way of dealing with people that couldn't help themselves. Performing vasectomies and tubal ligation happened a lot. Sterilization let the "infected" participate in society instead of being put in custody at the public's expense. This was not viewed as a punishment because doctors believed that the reason these people were "unfit" was because of an irreversibly degenerate germ plasm.
What research methods were used to study eugenics and what were there flaws?
One way to research eugenics was called a pedigree. Scientists would use pedigrees to trace the inheritance of a trait through a family. Tracing traits was not always easy. There were certain mental and behavior traits that were not easy to find in a person. Another problem was trying to find out if a person had a complex trait such as intelligence.
There were many organizations in the United States that encouraged eugenics research. One major one was the Eugenics Record Office (ERO). A lot of eugenical information was given voluntarily to the ERO on questionnaires filled out by families. Eugenicists would also get data from insane asylums, prisons, orphanages, and homes from the blind to help with their research. The information that the ERO would help gather helped Eugenicists to develop pedigrees. Back then they didn't have DNA to help follow trait inheritance through families. This made their pedigrees inaccurate sometimes.
There were many flaws in the research of eugenics that included:
-Reification: This is when complex traits are treated as if they are a single entity
-Poor survey and statistical methods: Eugenics researchers could not interview family members going back further then two or three generations to see who had the inherited trait. Hospitals did not keep very good medical records so some pedigrees were completed on second- hand reporting or sometimes hearsay.
-False Quantification: This is the assumption that if you can produce a numerical value then it must be valid. One example is on an intelligence test.
-Social and Environmental Influences: Eugenicists would not take all influences into consideration when tracing traits.
How did eugenics research impact American society?
Eugenics caused marriage laws, sterilization laws, and immigration restriction in America.
There were laws that forbid people to marry of different races in America from the Colonial Period to the mid 20th century. In the early 20th century, the eugenics movement supplied arguments to support these marriage laws. One argument was known as miscegenation. Miscegenation said that there were biological dangers if races were mixed.
Legally-mandated sterilization was the most radical policy supported by the eugenics movement. The Model Law, published in 1914, proposed authorization to sterilize the "socially inadequate." The people included in this were the feebleminded, insane, blind, deaf, criminalistic, and many others. When the Model Law was published twelve states had enacted sterilization laws. By 1924 around 3,000 people had been involuntarily sterilized in America. (FACT: 2,500 of these people were in California.) Eventually more then 60,000 people were involuntarily sterilized in America.
There were many immigration laws in America. These laws were set up to restrict who could come into the country. Eugenicists started to provide biological arguments to support immigration restriction. They said that these "inferior stock" would have a major impact on society.
So you are probably wondering where I learned everything I know about Eugenics. Well I went to the Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement. If you're looking for more information on eugenics click on this link:
Well I am finally done. This blog has taken me a long time to finish but here it is! I am so glad to be done. Other then learning about Eugenics I figured out some things I could do to help me figure out things I don't understand when I first read it. Well the first thing you can do is try re reading it out loud to your self a couple times. Usually the words become less jumbled. And if that doesn't help you can always look at other students blogs. This really helped me! (Thank you Leigh and Audi!) Well I am glad this blog is over. Now hopefully you won't see another blog until after Spring Break!
-To check out Audi's blog go to!
-To check out Leigh's blog go to
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
DNA Fun!
So I made some flashcards of DNA terms to help with the quiz we have on Friday. I actually feel ready for this quiz! I know your surprised right now! Here is the link!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Understanding Pedigrees
So we took a in Biology about Pedigrees. Well I don't think I did so good.(I know I never do good on biology quizzes! I can hear Mr. Ludwig chuckling right now) After not doing so well I think I need to prove that I did learn about Pedigrees and family diseases. I did this blog to try and help bring my grade up a little.
To me Pedigrees look like family trees. Well...thats basically what they are. The official description is pedigrees are used to show family histories of certain diseases. The three ways diseases can be passed through a family are:
Autosomal dominant means that one parent has a gene with the disease and the other parent doesn't. The chance that each child will get this disease is 50-50. If there is an infected person then that means one of their parents was infected also. Autosomal dominant diseases show up in every generation. Males and females are each likely to be infected.
The question in the quiz about this pedigree was:
What kind of inheritance pattern is demonstrated in this pedigree? How do you know? Give an example of a human disease that is inherited this way.
My answer was partially right. I said it was autosomal dominant. I knew this because the disease did not skip a generation. I had no idea about what diseases could be inherited this way though. Now I found out that some diseases that are dominant are Tuberous Sclerosis, Myotonic Dystrophy, Huntington's disease, Achondroplasia, and Neurofibromatosis.
Another Autosomal Dominant Pedigree:
Autosomal recessive disease means that two copies of an abnormal gene must be present for a disease to be passed on. This gives each child, born to parents that each have an autosomal recessive gene, a 25% chance risk of being infected with the disease. There is a 50% chance of a child inheriting one abnormal gene, which would make the child a carrier. (FACT: The child that is born with to abnormal genes does not mean they will be infected with the gene. It means they have a risk of being infected.) Both sexes are equally affected.
The question on the quiz was the same as the first question. Again I got the first part right in saying that this pedigree is autosomal recessive. I know this because the disease skips a generation. On this one I still didn't know any diseases. Now I know that some autosomal recessive diseases are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Tay Sachs disease, and gaucher disease.
Another Autosomal Recessive Pedigree:
Sex Linked can also be described as X linked. This refers to very few recessive genes that reside on the X chromosome. Men are mainly affected by sex linked diseases. If a father has a disease he will pass it on to his daughter. The daughter then becomes a carrier. Her sons have a 50% chance of getting the disease.
The question on the quiz was the same as the first two. Except my answer was autosomal recessive, when it actually is Sex Linked. I still didn't know and diseases. Now I know some Sex Linked diseases are color blindness, Hunter's disease, Fabry's disease, and menkes disease.
Another example of a Sex Linked Pedigree:
Well I have learned a lot about Pedigrees and I hope this shows it! Stay tuned for a blog about Eugenics! It is coming I promise! hahah
To me Pedigrees look like family trees. Well...thats basically what they are. The official description is pedigrees are used to show family histories of certain diseases. The three ways diseases can be passed through a family are:
- Autosomal Dominant
- Autosomal Recessive
- Sex Linked
Autosomal dominant means that one parent has a gene with the disease and the other parent doesn't. The chance that each child will get this disease is 50-50. If there is an infected person then that means one of their parents was infected also. Autosomal dominant diseases show up in every generation. Males and females are each likely to be infected.
The question in the quiz about this pedigree was:
What kind of inheritance pattern is demonstrated in this pedigree? How do you know? Give an example of a human disease that is inherited this way.
My answer was partially right. I said it was autosomal dominant. I knew this because the disease did not skip a generation. I had no idea about what diseases could be inherited this way though. Now I found out that some diseases that are dominant are Tuberous Sclerosis, Myotonic Dystrophy, Huntington's disease, Achondroplasia, and Neurofibromatosis.
Another Autosomal Dominant Pedigree:
Autosomal recessive disease means that two copies of an abnormal gene must be present for a disease to be passed on. This gives each child, born to parents that each have an autosomal recessive gene, a 25% chance risk of being infected with the disease. There is a 50% chance of a child inheriting one abnormal gene, which would make the child a carrier. (FACT: The child that is born with to abnormal genes does not mean they will be infected with the gene. It means they have a risk of being infected.) Both sexes are equally affected.
The question on the quiz was the same as the first question. Again I got the first part right in saying that this pedigree is autosomal recessive. I know this because the disease skips a generation. On this one I still didn't know any diseases. Now I know that some autosomal recessive diseases are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Tay Sachs disease, and gaucher disease.
Another Autosomal Recessive Pedigree:
Sex Linked can also be described as X linked. This refers to very few recessive genes that reside on the X chromosome. Men are mainly affected by sex linked diseases. If a father has a disease he will pass it on to his daughter. The daughter then becomes a carrier. Her sons have a 50% chance of getting the disease.
The question on the quiz was the same as the first two. Except my answer was autosomal recessive, when it actually is Sex Linked. I still didn't know and diseases. Now I know some Sex Linked diseases are color blindness, Hunter's disease, Fabry's disease, and menkes disease.
Another example of a Sex Linked Pedigree:

Well I have learned a lot about Pedigrees and I hope this shows it! Stay tuned for a blog about Eugenics! It is coming I promise! hahah
Thursday, March 3, 2011
DNA Extraction from Wheat Germ
Yesterday in Biology we did a lab where we extracted DNA from wheat germ. Yes wheat germ does have DNA! I was suprised too!Well I worked with Leigh and we had a lot of fun.
Here was what we did and learned during the experiment:
1. Place 1 Gram of raw wheat germ in a 50 ml test tube.
2.Add 20 ml of hot tap water and mix constantly for 3 minutes.
Observations: After mixing the two together we thought the mixture looked like watery bread. The water turned a cloudy color.
3. All 1 ml (or a drop) of 1/4 teaspoon of detergent and mix gently every minute for 5 minutes.(this means to stir for a couple seconds then let sit for a minute for 5 minutes) Try not to create foam.
Observations: After we added the detergent the mixture turned yellow. It kind of looked like chunky Mountain Dew.
-At this step Kyle helped us understand that the cell membrane is dissolving.
4.Remove any foam that may have collected.
5. VERY SLOWLY pour 14ml of alcohol down the test tube at an angle. It needs to form a layer on top of the mixture. Don't mix the two layers together. The DNA forms a solid at the line between the water and alcohol. If the two layers mix the DNA will not precipitate.(Form a solid-Thanks for explaining that word Michael!)
Observations: After adding the alcohol four layers form in the test tube. There is a wheat layer, detergent layer, a white filmy layer, and the alcohol.
6. Let the test tube sit for a couple minutes. You will start seeing something white, stringy, and filmy.
- At this step the DNA precipitates at the line between the water and alcohol. Another way of saying this is forming a solid at the line between the water and alcohol. (Thanks for helping me understand that word Michael!) The solid that is being made is DNA(that's the white filmy layer!)
7. Use a wooden stick to take out the DNA.
-To me the DNA looked way different when we took it out of the tube. In the tube is was white and filmy, but out of the tube it looked like a "big booger!"
Self Analysis: I had a lot of fun with Leigh doing this lab. It didn't take a long time and it was really easy to understand. One thing I learned is wheat germ has DNA! I had a lot of fun with this lab.
Here was what we did and learned during the experiment:
1. Place 1 Gram of raw wheat germ in a 50 ml test tube.
2.Add 20 ml of hot tap water and mix constantly for 3 minutes.

3. All 1 ml (or a drop) of 1/4 teaspoon of detergent and mix gently every minute for 5 minutes.(this means to stir for a couple seconds then let sit for a minute for 5 minutes) Try not to create foam.
Observations: After we added the detergent the mixture turned yellow. It kind of looked like chunky Mountain Dew.
-At this step Kyle helped us understand that the cell membrane is dissolving.
4.Remove any foam that may have collected.
5. VERY SLOWLY pour 14ml of alcohol down the test tube at an angle. It needs to form a layer on top of the mixture. Don't mix the two layers together. The DNA forms a solid at the line between the water and alcohol. If the two layers mix the DNA will not precipitate.(Form a solid-Thanks for explaining that word Michael!)

6. Let the test tube sit for a couple minutes. You will start seeing something white, stringy, and filmy.
- At this step the DNA precipitates at the line between the water and alcohol. Another way of saying this is forming a solid at the line between the water and alcohol. (Thanks for helping me understand that word Michael!) The solid that is being made is DNA(that's the white filmy layer!)
7. Use a wooden stick to take out the DNA.

Self Analysis: I had a lot of fun with Leigh doing this lab. It didn't take a long time and it was really easy to understand. One thing I learned is wheat germ has DNA! I had a lot of fun with this lab.
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